
Filters: Author is Paik,Nam June  [Clear All Filters]
Paik, Nam June. "Afterlude to the Exposition of Experimental Television." (1964): Section 2.
Paik, Nam June. "Random Access Information." Artforum, no. 19 (1980).
Paik, Nam June. Cybernetic Serendipity Expanded Education for the paper-less society. London: Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1968.
Paik, Nam June. Letters and Correspondence., undated.
Paik, Nam June. How to Keep Experimental Video on PBS National Programming. Presented at the Conference Television Makers and Public Communications Policy. NY, NY: Rockefeller Foundation, 1979.
Paik, Nam June. "Paper TV vs. Real TV." Art Rite, no. 7 (1974).
Paik, Nam June. "Random Access Information." Artforum IX, no. 11 (1980).
Paik, Nam June. "T-Valley: Ralph Hocking." Video 81 2, no. 1 (1981).
Paik, Nam June. Werke 1946-1976: Norbert Wiener and Marshall McLuhan. Koln, 1976.
Paik, Nam June. Nam June Paik: Eine Kerze One Candle. Frankfort, Germany, 1989.
Paik, Nam June, and Shuya Abe. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: Nam June Paik & Shuya Abe, Paik/Abe Video Synthesizer (Keyer & Colorizer) & Scan Modulator (a.k.a. "the Wobbulator"), 1970., Edited by David Dunn. Linz, Austria: Ars Electronica, 1992.
Paik, Nam June. Werke 1946-1976: Media Planning for the Postindustrial Society. Koln, 1976.
Paik, Nam June. Nam June Paik Video Sculptures: Electronic Undercurrents. Copenhagen: Statens Museum for Kunst, 1996.
Paik, Nam June. "Seven Billion Dollars Is Spent Annually in America for the Beauty Business." Art in Society 7, no. 3 (1970).
Paik, Nam June. "La Vie, Satelites, One Meeting One Life." Video-Culture (1986).