Digital Video Systems Binder for copies of ETC Frame Buffer User Manual includes: "Lightpen Instructions and Specifications" (2 pages), Warranty and Serial Number (shipped 12/22/80), "Cat-100 User's Manual" (24 pages), "Cat-100 Technical Specifications an

Publication TypeBook
SourceDigital Video Systems, Palo Alto, CA (1977)

Digital Video Systems Binder for copies of ETC Frame Buffer User Manual includes: "Lightpen Instructions and Specifications" (2 pages), Warranty and Serial Number (shipped 12/22/80), "Cat-100 User's Manual" (24 pages), "Cat-100 Technical Specifications and User's manual Updates" (2 pages), Product Sales Sheet and Technical Specifications, "Cat-100 User's Manual June 1979" (16 pages), Software Release #4 June 1979, "Graphic Routines for the Cat-100 Version 3.0" by Christopher L. Morgan, Cat-100 Graphics Routines (12 pages).